Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mother's Day

On Sunday, second Sunday of May (May 8, 2011) we are going to celebrate the Mother's Day, An occasion that is souly a tribute to honor the number 1 woman in our life, that is our Mother. In this very special day we commemorate and give tribute this great woman that we know, an unsung hero of our own lives, a person who will wholeheartedly give her life for us, a woman with a patient and pure heart, a woman that shapes us since the time of our conception to the time of our maturity. A woman that is there always in our side and witness and support us to all our first's, To the time we said our first word, To the time we first we learned to write and read, To the time that we wear our first uniform, To the time when a boy undergo his write of passage and for a girl when she first had her sign of  being a woman. To the time we first fell in love, to the time that we had our first broken heart, To the time that we graduated in preschool, high school and college and witness her sweet proud smile. To the time that we had our first job, To the time we feel 
defeated, to the time we had our success.  She was indeed a woman that never leave our side no matter what the circumstances are, the woman who steadfastly stand for us, A woman that nurtures and care us, a woman that loves unconditionally not for whatever you can repay her when you grow up. A woman who become the medium of the Almighty God to shows to the whole universe his greatest miracle, that is the miracle of life, as He allows this human called woman through which a spirit of life takes a human form which is US. A woman who never tire in believing us, A woman that never stop forgiving us, A woman who understand all of our shortcomings, failures and mistakes, A woman who always making both end meet just for us, A woman who sacrifice all her happiness and pleasure for us. A woman that like a wind beneath our wings. A woman we called MOTHER, NANAY, INA, MOM, MOMMY, INAY, INANG.  

Mother's Day is being celebrated as tribute and honor to all the mother's in the world and this is being practiced in many parts of the world. It is most commonly commemorating during the month of March, April or May. In United States every second of Sunday of May was designated to celebrate the Mother's Day as it was declared on May 8, 1914 by U.S President Woodrow in a Joint Resolution. From that time on the mothers day celebration was spread across several countries over the years and these countries too adopted second Sunday of May as Mother's Day. However, in many countries the way Mothers Day is celebrated varies and is quite different from the manner in which Mothers Day is celebrated in US.

 Here are the countries that adopted the Second Sunday of May as the Celebration for Mother's day;

Philippines                    Greece   
United States                  India
Australia                      Italy
Belgium                        Japan
Brazil                         New Zeland
Canada                         Singapore 
Denmark                        Turkey
Finland                        United Kingdom / England
Germany                                                       France

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